What You Should Do Before, During & After A Storm

Before you prepare for a storm, you first must understand the severity. If you happen to live in an area that experiences storms more frequently, you more than likely know what to expect. Every storm is different and extremely unpredictable, which is why it’s important to pay close attention to the weather forecast.

Knowing what to expect will help you figure out how to prepare, which can save you unnecessary stress. Your local radio or weather station will provide specific information regarding the severity of the storm, which will update you on flash flooding and road closures, and will provide you with a list of storm shelters. They’ll also provide you with updates regarding power outages, which commonly occur during storms.

Store Emergency Food & Water

A storm is unpredictable and can last hours or days depending on its severity. You should prepare to have enough food and water to last you a minimum of a week. You should place your emergency supplies somewhere where they can be easily accessed in case of an emergency. It’s always a good idea to store foods that have a long shelf life, such as canned goods, protein bars, powdered milk, dried fruit, and bottled water. Every so often you should check your emergency supplies to make sure they haven’t expired.

Have Emergency Supplies on Hand

To prepare for a storm, you should also purchase flashlights and extra batteries in case of a power outage. It’s also a good idea to keep a medical supply kit in an area that can easily be accessed.

Secure the Exterior of your Home

If not properly prepared, the storm can badly damage the exterior of your home. Heavy winds can rip the shutters from their hinges and demolish your gutters, which is why many homeowners purchase storm shutters. You should also make sure your trash cans and lawn furniture are properly secure and consider parking your car in the garage or investing in a weather-proof car cover.

Educate your Family & Create an Evaluation Plan

Education is the most important part of storm preparation, which is why you must educate your family on how to prepare for a storm. You should also create an emergency evacuation plan in case you’re forced to evacuate your home. You should also follow your community disease preparation plan and have an extra plan set in place in case you and your family were to become separated during the storm.

What to do During a Storm

What you do during the storm depends on the severity, but no matter its severity, you should always stay indoors. If you’re unable to get to a shelter, you should stay away from drains, creeks, and waterways. You should also avoid using electronic devices and stay away from windows, doors, and fireplaces. It’s also crucial to make sure every window is shut.

What to do After a Storm

After the storm has calmed, you should continue to follow the news and pay close attention to the weather forecast before you step outside. Once the storm is over, you should perform a headcount to make sure all of your family members are safe and accounted for. You should then text your loved ones to let them know you’re safe. After you make sure everyone is accounted for, you can then begin to assess your property for damage. While assessing the damage to your home, it’s important that you wear long-sleeve shirts and pants, which will help avoid injuries. After assessing the damages, it can be worthwhile to then check on your neighbors to make sure they are safe and provide aid to victims.

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